Fee: $80 for non-members, $55 for members.

[Register here]

The Camrose Running Club is holding a six-week learn to run class with the Ole’s Spring Run Off (May 11th) as the graduation.

All levels of running experience are welcome, including complete beginners!

Classes are held every Wednesday at 5pm & every Saturday at 10am, starting on March 27 at the Stoney Creek Centre.

The training is geared towards the 3k or the 8k – the coaches will explain this at the first session.

Each class will start with helpful tips and advice, followed by a group run.

The Learn To Run registration fee includes registration for Ole’s Spring Run Off.

Note: if you’re already a Camrose Ski Club member, please email skiclubcamrose@gmail.com to receive a discount code.

If you are not yet a Camrose Ski Club member, your registration for this class includes a seasonal membership.

Location: Stoney Creek Centre Wax Room (down the stairs).

If you have any questions, send an email to Daylan.